What does it mean to be accountable for our actions? Individuals are accountable for personal behaviors, commitments, and relationships with those around us. What about corporations? In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill questions why corporations are not held to the same standards, and outlines ways in which shareholders and the divestment movement have shown how engaged citizens can encourage and force changes in corporate behavior.
The water crisis in Flint, Michigan points to tragic mismanagement of the city’s water supply in an effort to save funds—a decision which is destroying a community and will ultimately cost millions to fix. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will provide examples of some of the many losses the city and state will incur as a result of this negligence, and will suggest some things that can be learned from the crisis as well as the consequences of a deliberate governmental decision to put corporate and political interests before the health of the governed.
Fresh water is the topic of discussion once again on World Ocean Radio. In this episode host Peter Neill re-asserts the gravity of the global fresh water crisis and its cyclical relationship with the ocean. He discusses the shift away from valuing oil rich nations for water rich ones, and submits that the ocean is the inevitable place we will turn for all of the resources we need for a healthy future, from drinking water to medicine, from food to security.
The US Navy's SEALAB initiative is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, with now three pioneering aquatic living experiments under their belts to help understand how humans can best survive in underwater conditions. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill salutes the work of SEALAB, outlining their enormous contributions to the development of tools such as breathing devices and medical protections, as well as their contributions to the further understanding of the physical and psychological demands of surviving in an underwater habitat.
World fisheries are in crisis, with many species pushed to the edge of extinction. The current system is a recipe for disaster: demand is up; external suppliers operate outside of management regimes; sustainability seems an impossibility. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will discuss inadequate and controversial management regulations and a new approach called “catch shares” which aim to establish incentives to promote the long-term sustainability of fish stocks. And he will introduce an imaginative concept by some marine-based companies to utilize 100% of every fish caught: for supplements, food products, medical products, clothing, and more, thereby increasing the return of an existing resource.
There are many whale-related hot button topics being discussed today: hunting (particularly by the Japanese), seismic testing, inexplicable strandings, the ingestion of plastic pollution, and the growing controversy over the morality of their captivity and exploitation. In this week's episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill discusses the practice of keeping cetaceans for their entertainment value and explores new and proposed bills and legislation in both Canada and the United States which will help to protect cetaceans in captivity, further strengthen existing Acts to prohibit their import and export, to phase out Orcas from entertainment parks, and to modify the criminal code to prevent the taking of cetaceans such as whales, dolphins and porpoise from the wild or to breed those in captivity.
At the close of each year, World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill reads "At The Fishhouses" by Elizabeth Bishop. This poem was chosen not only for its relevance for the New Year but because it distills years of Bishop's seaside meditations and evokes the clarity of meaning contained in personal encounters with the world ocean.
Record numbers of migrants are taking to the seas to escape political strife, sectarian conflict and war, crossing the Aegean and Mediterranean seas aboard inadequate vessels in search of better and safer lives for themselves and their families. Many are struggling to cope with the sheer numbers: from the coastal nations receiving desperate refugees, to the border management agencies, to the UN and the IMO, to the mariners at sea obligated by maritime tradition to rescue those in crisis on the water. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will discuss the complicated geopolitical, maritime and humanitarian crisis we now face.
In October of 2015 Peter Neill, Director of World Ocean Observatory and host of World Ocean Radio, attended the bi-annual conference of the International Congress of Maritime Museums in Hong Kong to share his vision for maritime museums in the 21st century. His argument is that maritime history is not outdated, and that every theme evident at all maritime museums: fishing, immigration, trade, technology, etc. are all very relevant today and are perhaps best understood in the context of their history. In this episode of World Ocean Radio he asks for maritime museums to think of themselves less as homes for historical artifacts and more as places to make contemporary connections to the ways in which we relate to the ocean today.
The Arctic conversation concludes this week with "An Arctic Vision." In this episode, host Peter Neill focuses on the indigenous Arctic community and how a sustainable economy might be developed based on new policies, practices, employment opportunities, and benefits for the people who live there. And he outlines three key areas in which a sustainable approach might succeed in the Arctic: fishing, shipping, and energy.
The conversation continues this week about the future of the Arctic. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill addresses a question he posed in last week's episode regarding the role that the United States might play during the 2-year Chairmanship of the Arctic Council (2015-2017). He uses the specific objectives and initiatives of the U.S. "One Ocean" Plan to back up why he is optimistic about the future of the Arctic.
The conversation continues this week about the future of the Arctic. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill will argue that now is the time to look to the Antarctic region and their long-standing treaty which has there served as an achievement of sustainability and governance. And he will ask, "Why could the Antarctic agreement not apply just as effectively to the Arctic region?"
The conversation continues about the future of the Arctic this week with further outcomes from the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland. During the Assembly there were conversations around the inevitable development of the Arctic couched within the framework of the 'precautionary principle" which implies that there is a social responsibility to protect the public from exposure to harm. In this episode host Peter Neill will argue that given the risks and challenges to developing the Arctic we should be considering less risky opportunities, providing a more sustainable return on investment while providing direct community benefits to the indigenous populations.
In a continuing conversation about the future of the Arctic, host Peter Neill shares his concerns about the disconnect between a strong commitment to Arctic conservation and sustainability and the Arctic as a place for inevitable economic development. And he asks, why would we put the Arctic at risk? Why should we drill there? Why should we disrupt the sea floor and natural systems? And finally, what is the true value of the Arctic?
The Arctic Circle, an assembly founded by the President of Iceland and held annually to help define the deliberations of the Arctic Council, was held in October in Reykjavík, Iceland. World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill was there, and he is back this week to discuss the conference and the interests and aspirations of the many countries that had representatives attending in order to assert their claim on what appears to be an inevitable future of exploitation of Arctic resources.
Fresh water shortages are making headlines everywhere. Issues large and small are adding up to a global water crisis which threatens all of us, rich and poor, no matter where we live in the world. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will argue that the time has come for us to rethink how we manage the efficiency of our water use at all levels of society—not only by individual conservation practices but by corporate accountability, government action, and regulation.
As a lead up to the Climate Summit in Paris scheduled for December (COP21), World Ocean Radio will highlight some encouraging signs of climate progress. In this week’s episode, host Peter Neill will focus on the growing movement by corporations, institutions, and individuals to divest their financial holdings from fossil fuels. And he'll introduce the work of The Climate Group, a coalition of environmental and financial groups devoted to creating a “clean revolution” by working to develop climate finance mechanisms, business models which promote innovation, and supportive and sustainable frameworks for the future.
The Pope's recent visit to the United States sparked much conversation and debate about the environment. Pope Francis has been very clear in his views on climate change as a real factor in today's world, and has expressed that we must understand and respond to these problems for our future survival. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill will quote from the Pope's encyclical in which he provides a series of warnings about the health of the ocean and a sustainable future.
In late September Royal Dutch Shell announced it has terminated oil exploration and drilling efforts in the Arctic, citing disappointing exploratory results, high costs and strict regulations as their reasons to quit. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will assert that this is a great step forward for the protection of the Arctic and will express hope that Shell will go on to invest in other projects such as solar and wind that they might help to shift the paradigm for the sustainable benefit of us all.
Oysters have had a history of ebb and flow, plenty and scarcity, and in New York Harbor there was a time when the waters were so polluted that oyster populations diminished and interest in consumption vanished. Enter the Harbor School, an innovative high school on Governor’s Island on the East River in New York City. They have launched a project to revive the defunct oyster populations through an ambitious goal of restoring no less than one billion oysters to the harbor. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will discuss the school’s history and their restorative ecosystem service activities and their effort to reconnect the harbor to the 30 million people living within its vast urban watershed.
The climate is changing: changing moisture, increased temperature, accelerated growth and distribution of pollen, increased allergic reactions. Scientists agree that climate impacts are the defining issue of our time. Thankfully, many are working to build a framework for climate future planning. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill hails the work of Dr. Paul Mayewski and his team at the Climate Change Institute who are creating a powerful software matrix that will relate changes in the environment to plausible, scaleable scenarios and plans to meet the needs of our climate future.
World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill recently witnessed a beautiful full moon rise from an island perch in Maine. The silent, stealthy way that it rose in the sky got him ruminating about water, tide, sun, current, power, light, nature, human emotion, and the often under-appreciated, surreal force of the moon.
"We live in a sea of radioactivity.
The danger is in the dose."
~ Ken Buesseler, Marine Chemist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
The West Coast of the United States seems under siege—both on land and offshore. Many inter-related consequences can be used to explain the terrestrial problems plaguing the Pacific states, but what of the issues facing the ocean? The effect of leaking radiation has long raised concerns as a cause for many inexplicable natural events. Since 2004 Ken Buesseler and his crew of volunteers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and others have been gathering water samples from Alaska to Hawaii to measure radioactivity in ocean water. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will discuss the preliminary conclusions of this research and that of other oceanographers and marine chemists along the western shores.
A recent series of investigative stories entitled "The Outlaw Ocean" by Ian Urbina of the New York Times exposes the dark side of the deep sea, describing real abuses, crime and violence in international waters. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill summarizes the four-part “Outlaw Ocean” series, praising Urbina’s work to educate the public by exposing the labor, human rights, and environmental abuses occurring out of sight, on the high seas.
A San Diego County Water Authority project to construct a 6-acre desalination plant, the largest of its kind in the United States, comes at a time when the traditional water supply system in California is overwhelmed by changing climate, high agricultural demand, and high consumption by an increased population. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill will describe the process of desalination, break down the numbers, and describe the objections to and development of this increasingly necessary technology which has the potential to produce billions of gallons of potable water per day.